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【輸入盤CD】【新品】Sheena Easton / Madness Money & Music (w/DVD) (Ntr0)【K2023/9/22発売】(シーナ・イーストン)

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新品 3814円 (税込)


管理番号 新品 :30761915384
中古 :30761915384-1
メーカー 【輸入盤CD】【新品】Sheena 発売日 2025/02/16 03:57 定価 4890円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Sheena Easton / Madness Money & Music (w/DVD) (Ntr0)【K2023/9/22発売】(シーナ・イーストン)

Two CD set. Digitally remastered and expanded edition. Sheena Eastons classic 1982 EMI fan-favorite album - remastered from the original master tapes. Includes the singles Machinery, Are You Man Enough and I Wouldnt Beg For Water as well as her original recording of Wind Beneath My Wings. Includes eight bonus tracks featuring B-sides and four previously-unreleased tracks including Woman and The Lonely Stay Alone. DVD features her Emmy-winning 1982 US TV special Act One including special guests Kenny Rogers and Al Jarreau, plus all the promo videos from the album. 24-page booklet includes rare photography and illuminating new interviews with producer Christopher Neil and songwriters Deborah Allen, Steve Thompson, Peter Vale and more by ex-Attitude editor Adam Mattera.発売日: 2023/9/22輸入盤UKレーベル: Cherry Pop収録曲: 1.1 Weekend in Paris1.2 Are You Man Enough1.3 I Wouldnt Beg for Water1.4 Machinery1.5 Ice Out in the Rain1.6 I Dont Need Your Word1.7 Madness, Money and Music1.8 There When I Needed You1.9 Wind Beneath My Wings1.10 You Do It1.11 In the Winter1.12 Please Dont Sympathise1.13 So We Say Goodbye1.14 Loner1.15 Some of Us Will1.16 The Lonely Stay Alone1.17 Woman1.18 Weekend in Paris (Alternate Version)1.19 Madness Money and Music (Alternate Version)1.20 Ice Out in the Rain (12" Remix)2.1 A Song for You2.2 Feelings (Excerpt)2.3 For Your Eyes Only2.4 Hes a Rebel2.5 Medley: Last Night at Danceland (With Al Jarreau)/ Boogie Down (Al Jarreau)/ Roof Garden (With Al Jarreau)2.6 Weve Got Tonight (With Kenny Rogers)2.7 The Entertainer2.8 Out Here on My Own2.9 Madness, Money and Music2.10 Wind Beneath My Wings2.11 Machinery - EMI Promotional Video2.12 Are You Man Enough - EMI Promotional Video2.13 Ice Out in the Rain - EMI Promotional Videoコメント:Two CD set. Digitally remastered and expanded edition. Sheena Eastons classic 1982 EMI fan-favorite album - remastered from the original master tapes. Includes the singles Machinery, Are You Man Enough and I Wouldnt Beg For Water as well as her original recording of Wind Beneath My Wings. Includes eight bonus tracks featuring B-sides and four previously-unreleased tracks including Woman and The Lonely Stay Alone. DVD features her Emmy-winning 1982 US TV special Act One including special guests Kenny Rogers and Al Jarreau, plus all the promo videos from the album. 24-page booklet includes rare photography and illuminating new interviews with producer Christopher Neil and songwriters Deborah Allen, Steve Thompson, Peter Vale and more by ex-Attitude editor Adam Mattera.




